Conspiracy commissioned and co-presented three fantastic shows at Club PuSh.
Sonic Elder, The Chop Theatre [Jan. 29, 8pm]
Can a song change your life? What is hidden in the music of the past? In this newly commissioned work, six Vancouver music legends come together to form a band, share their greatest hits, deepest heartbreaks and rock Club PuSh. The latest from Vancouver’s The Chop Theatre, Sonic Elder examines the music of the ’50s and ’60s and how it shaped youth culture, spawning a generation of social and political agitators whose words and actions continue to resonate.
Sun Belt: Cabalcor [Feb. 1, 2015]
Sun Belt’s debut collection of surreal, dusty songs and stories gets adapted into a multimedia invented history of a tar sands company town. Through music, image and readings, Sun Belt: Cabalcor charts the rise and fall of Cabalcor, an imaginary region that, within the span of a century, becomes a desert wasteland. This Club PuSh performance is based on Sun Belt’s experimental book/album released in late 2014 by Anvil Press and Offseason Records.
eatingthegame, Hong Kong Exile [Feb. 5, 8pm]
Hong Kong Exile investigates the advancements in foreign property investment, cultural exchange, and policy-making that are changing the face of international trade. Artist-entrepreneur Conor Wylie delivers a keynote speech from and between two worlds: Vancouver and China, West and East, business and culture, ethics and desire.
Read artistic producer Tim Carlson’s curatorial statement about eatingthegame on the PuSh blog.