Conspiracy Now is a space dedicated to quality content, discourse, and dissent. Here you can find interviews, thoughts, links to our research, and access to media that we are connected to.
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Margaret Krawecka shares her thoughts on the concepts in the video for "We Teach Our Objects How To Speak Our Language", a song from Tim Carlson’s play Isolation Suite.
We at Theatre Conspiracy stand in solidarity with Black Lives Matter and commit to listening, learning and taking appropriate action now and in the future. We highlight the changes happening in our organization that speak to our values, the political/social moment that has arisen, and our place inside the future.
Theatre Conspiracy received a lot of reaction to the pilot episode of Victim Impact: The Fraudcast – from listeners, victims, lawyers and journalists involved in the case.
But one response on Twitter asked that salient question that should come at the beginning of any theatrical or journalistic endeavour: "Why this story, now?"
Ulla Laidlaw’s thoughts, impressions and ideas for the making of the film Stray.